Cyber-Attack Update
Crystal Valley is taking grain at all elevator locations, even though it may be slower than normal as we’re doing manual hand tickets. We hope to be up and running very soon.
No money was stolen from Crystal Valley in the cyber-attack. As always, Crystal Valley is fully capable of meeting any and all financial obligations.
At this time, we are not aware of any data being used inappropriately, or that it was actually obtained by anyone, but we have determined that confidential data could have been viewed by an unauthorized person.
Therefore, customers and business partners alike should assume that their personal information was compromised and take pre-cautionary measures to monitor their banking accounts and financial information, along with credit reports, etc.
A formal notification of data-breach is being sent to every customer and company on record at Crystal Valley.
Crystal Valley deeply regrets this has occurred, and we apologize for any uneasiness and inconvenience this may have caused.