Waseca County Farm Bureau’s - Farm and Home Safety Days

On September 10, Crystal Valley participated in Waseca County Farm Bureau’s - Farm and Home Safety Days at the Waseca County Fairgrounds. This event was geared towards teaching area 5th graders about all aspects of Farm Safety; including but not limited to animal safety, electrical safety, mower/chainsaw safety, and rescue safety.

Reece Boucher, Compliance & Safety for Crystal Valley, had the opportunity to teach about chemical safety, including the importance of labelling chemicals, reading product labels for warnings, first aid information, and wearing the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). He also gave a cautionary warning about Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3), although a great fertilizing chemical, can be very dangerous if not handled properly.

We enjoyed being a part of this great event!


Crystal Decisions - Precision Planting Planter Prep


Employee Spotlight: Alli Zietlow - Sales Agronomist