Crystal Valley Annual Meeting & Board of Director Results

By Roger Kienholz - CEO

The Annual Meeting of Crystal Valley was held on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, at the cooperative’s main office, 1911 Excel Drive, Mankato, MN.

Chairman Dean Sonnabend announced the results of the mail-in ballots for the following business items:  1) approval of the minutes of the January 25, 2023, Annual Meeting; 2) acceptance of the FY2023 Financial Audit Report; and 3) election of two directors to the Crystal Valley Board of Directors.

There were 289 ballots received resulting in the approval of the January 25, 2023, Annual Meeting minutes and acceptance of the FY2023 Financial Audit Report. 

The director election results were as follows:  incumbent Gene Meyer of Sioux Valley received 234 votes and incumbent Tim Lewer of New Richland received 243 votes and were reelected to serve three-year terms; write-in candidate Ryan Brandts of St. James received 30 votes, write-in candidate Lance Goettl of Lake Crystal received 27 votes, and two others, Lance Mikkelson of La Salle, and Brent Meshke of Lake Crystal each received one vote. 

At the board’s reorganization meeting following the annual meeting, the directors elected Gene Meyer as Chairman, Tim Lewer as Vice Chairman, and Tom Trahms as Secretary for the coming year.

We would like to thank the members of Crystal Valley for your participation in the governance process of your cooperative and for your continued support.  We look forward to serving your production needs now and in the future.


Pre-Season Planting Refreshers


Crystal Valley Annual Meeting