Merger Vote Not Approved by Members
We would like to inform you that the proposed merger between Crystal Valley and New Vision Co-op was not approved.
Your Vote Matters!
Your vote matters! Complete your ballot to have your voice heard about the proposed merger between Crystal Valley and New Vision. Ballots must be returned to the Mankato office no later than 8:00 am on Tuesday, October 1st.
Notice of Special Meeting
After completion of the merger study, the Crystal Valley board of directors determined a merger with New Vision Co-op is in the best interest of Crystal Valley. A Special Meeting to count ballots at 9:00 AM, will be held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at the main office in Mankato.
Member Meeting Dates
Join us for our Merger Member Meetings to learn about the proposed merger between New Vision and Crystal Valley. This is a great opportunity to get all your questions answered and understand what this means for you and our communities.
Submit Name Suggestions
As part of the proposed merger between Crystal Valley and New Vision Cooperative, a new name will be chosen for the new company. We are asking our customers and employees to submit suggestions, and you could even win $500!
Crystal Valley and New Vision Move Forward with Member Vote
Crystal Valley and New Vision cooperatives are pleased to announce that after a thorough merger study, the Boards of Directors for both organizations have agreed to move forward with a member vote. This vote will determine the potential unification of the two cooperatives.
Informational Meetings July 16 & 17
Join the Crystal Valley Board of Directors to learn more about the ongoing Crystal Valley & New Vision Merger Study. Ask questions and share your opinion. Stay informed and get involved in shaping our future. We look forward to seeing you there!