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Job Seeker Resume Tips

If you are in the market for a new career, be sure you check out our tips in creating a successful resume.  Ashley Leivermann - Chief Human Resources Officer
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Propane Safety Tips

Our propane drivers would also greatly appreciate if you could provide them with a path to the propane tank on your property. This not only makes our driver's job’s easier,  it will also make it easier for you to be able to go out and check the percentage of your tank. In most cases our drivers are walking through thigh deep snow to access your propane tank, this makes for a very long day for them and they could service more customer’s in a day if there was a path to every tank. If your tank is buried in a snow drift, our drivers may decide not to deliver to your location until you, our customer, have found the tank and provided easy access to the tank. It is your responsibility as a customer to make sure we can access your tank.
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DPAD: How Doing Business with the Cooperative Can Benefit You

There are several benefits of doing business through the cooperative. One of those benefits involves selling grain to the cooperative where you could receive a DPAD (Domestic Production Activities Deduction) pass through. A patron who delivers grain to any Crystal Valley location, as well as direct ship bushels, is potentially eligible for this deduction. Megan Tusa - Grain Marketer
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Why You Should Consider a Career in Ag

Agriculture plays a major role globally, yet most employers still struggle to find qualified candidates that want to work in the industry – whether it is in retail or on the farm. Ashley Leivermann - Chief Human Resources Officer
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Energy Sales Update

We are excited to announce the addition of 2 Energy Salespeople! Jay Adkins has been delivering fuel in the Lakefield area and has recently moved into a sales role. Craig Huisman will be joining our team mid-February to handle sales in our Hope area. Chad Larson - Energy Sales Manager
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